These are real coeds who drank some beer, pull some bong hits and took ecstasy pills who I met at an off-campus party. I just LOVE college girl, they don’t hold back and love to experiment! The girl in the pink bra is the first girl I started chatting with like two weeks before I met them at the party. These two coeds were so cool, they treated me so nice and hooked me up with some funny green stuff and X. We all got along really well at the party and had a fucking blast dancing. They invited me back to their off-campus apartment for some fun and a threesome. Although, I came almost instantly my cock was ready for round two in seconds. They were kind of giggly while swapping my dick between their mouths. I bent them over side to side with their asses up in the air while I dipped my cock in their pussies going back and forth. Everything just flowed one position to another while keeping the action going. The girl in the pink bra finally jerk my cock on her friend’s ass. Hopefully, I can have this kinda of experience again because I hear it only happens once. Wanna now where I found these girls?